Blog Posts

How Much Did The Chick-fil-A Logo Cost?

On this episode of BUZZ, we explore how cultivating ingenuity and embracing authenticity can enliven your Dental Marketing Strategy. Many of the iconic branding achievements

Brand Your Team with Dental Merch

On this episode of BUZZ, we explore how branding your team with customized clothing can elevate the profile of your Dental Practice.  Extending your brand

The Power of The Play Button

On this episode of BUZZ, we detail how the transformative power of video can impact your Dental Marketing strategy.  We provide context, strategy and tips

Storyboarding for Dental Video Success

On this episode of BUZZ, we explore how the process of storyboarding your video projects can lead to finished videos that have a much more

10 Tips For Creating 10X Dental Patient Testimonials

On this episode of BUZZ, we provide detailed steps to obtaining powerful patient testimonials for your Dental Practice Marketing.  Patient testimonials represent signifcant social proof


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